How to make a QA’s life easier

Explore the importance of collaborative efforts among developers, managers and product owners. Dive into practical insights and strategies to make QA life easier.

Imagine a world where every software release is flawless - that's the dream QA teams chase every day. Our job is to ensure that the product meets the highest standards of performance and functionality. In this journey, the collaboration between developers, managers, and product owners is not just beneficial but essential. Let's dive into practical insights and strategies that make life easier for QA teams and, by extension, for everyone involved in the software development process.


  • Respect Timelines:

No one likes delays – this is a well-known fact. Another well-known fact is that QA often relies on fully developed functionalities in order to start or finalize their testing activities. So if dev is late, the QA team is usually faced with increased pressure to expedite their testing and catch up with the revised testing plan (Revised plan usually means less time for testing and deadline stays the same). This can lead to heightened stress, potential burnout, and a higher likelihood of oversight during testing. The quality of the product reduces, and the fault will be on the last team in the line. By respecting the timeline, all of this can be avoided.

  • First test by yourself:

Developer testing allows for the early detection of issues and bugs. By testing their own code, developers can identify and address issues before the features are handed over to QA. Issues are caught and resolved faster this way. Unnecessary back-and-forth communication between developers and QA teams is often time-consuming and exhausting.

  • Do not take it personally:

QA's primary goal is to ensure the highest quality for the software product. Developers should view bug reports as opportunities for improving the product. Reported issues serve as valuable feedback that can contribute to a developer's ongoing learning and skill enhancement when it comes to coding practices. It is never the point to criticize the person. The development process is a shared mission of delivering a perfect product to customers.


  • Do not set impossible goals:

Unrealistic goals can lead to decreased motivation among QA team members. When confronted with goals that seem impossible to achieve, team members may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and less engaged in their work. Pressure may result in rushed testing practices and a focus on quantity over quality. This compromises the thoroughness of testing, leading to the increased likelihood of overlooking critical issues that could negatively impact the final product. If timelines are too tight, the team may focus on immediate tasks at the expense of long-term planning and strategic testing initiatives.

  • Engage QA teams from the beginning:

QA members can contribute valuable insights during the requirement gathering phase. Involvement in this phase ensures a comprehensive understanding of quality expectations, testing requirements, and potential challenges. Not to mention that detection of defects in the early stages of the project is cost, time, and energy-saving. The value for QA in this process is understanding the needs and demands of customers. This is a lifesaver in later testing stages because QA’s have a big picture of standards that need to be met for the final product.

  • Plan and provide a test environment:

Managers that plan and provide a test environment are ensuring that the test team has a clear and stable environment that will make testing much easier. A dedicated test environment helps reproduce and investigate reported issues in a controlled setting. Another advantage is that testing and development processes will not be interrupted, embracing continuous integration and continuous testing practices.


  • Set clear requirements:

Clear and well-documented requirements provide QA teams with the necessary context to validate each aspect of the requirement, ensuring that it meets acceptance criteria and aligns with the intended functionality. With being clear, product owners are helping with concrete test planning and strategy creation. Well-set and detailed requirements are a tool for avoiding change requests and will lead to quality products for end-users.

  • Agree on priorities:

Prioritizing is the basis for each Quality Assurance team member. Clear agreement on priorities ensures that teams focus their testing efforts on the most critical features and functionalities. In later stages, not every bug is a critical one. This helps to safely “ignore” issues. Ultimately, the satisfaction of end-users is closely tied to the functionality and performance of high-priority features. When Product Owners agree on priorities, QA efforts can be directed toward ensuring that these features meet user expectations.

The main point that includes all stakeholders is communication. Communication is the key to ensuring that the end package delivered to users meets all needs and demands and that the quality is not lacking. When all requirements are well-communicated, and good and detailed feedback given, QA teams will have perfectly clear instructions on how and what to test.


In the end, it is just a few rules that each stakeholder should follow to make the whole development process easier. From setting realistic goals, developers actively engaging in testing to Product Owners setting clear priorities, each aspect plays a crucial role. Continuous learning is an opportunity for growth. So to all developers, managers, and product owners, this is your call to make your QA's life much easier.

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